Chengdu Kaijie bio medicine Peptide API

Terlipressin Acetate Product description

    Terlipressin Acetate Chemical Properties

    StructureFind Similar Structures
    Molecular FormulaC54H78N16O17S2
    SynonymsTerlipressin acetateCHEMBL4088899914453-96-6Heamopressin (TN)Terlipressin acetate (JAN)More…
    Molecular Weight1287.4 g/mol
    Parent CompoundCID 72081 (Terlipressin)
    Component CompoundsCID 176 (Acetic acid)CID 72081 (Terlipressin)

    Polypeptide Production Specifications

    CAS Registry Number128270-60-0
    CategoriesAPIsPeptides; Biopharmaceuticals
    Sales marketsWestern Europe; Asia; North America; Central/South America
    Supplied fromChina
    Selling PointsInternational Approvals/Standards

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    Kaijie bio medicine Peptide APIs

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