shengnuo biotechnology participated in the National Academic Exchange Conference on Cutting-edge Technology for Peptide Drug R&D and Large-Scale ProductionChengdu Shengnuo Biotech

On November 8, 2023, the 9th National Academic Exchange Conference on Cutting-edge Technology for Peptide Drug Research and Development and Large-Scale Production was held in Sanya.

This exchange meeting will last for two days and will focus on six major conference themes including global peptide drug R&D hot spots and progress, internationalization of the peptide industry and international R&D registration, global peptide drug R&D hot spots and progress, and peptide drug CDMO. The conference invited more than a hundred experts, scholars, and entrepreneurs in the field of peptides to have in-depth exchanges on the development trends of peptide drug research and development and large-scale production.

Conference introduction

It is understood that the National Academic Exchange Conference on cutting-edge technologies for peptide drug R&D and large-scale production is a series of high-level exchange academic conferences aimed at strengthening technical exchanges and cooperation opportunities among peers in the field of domestic peptide drugs and deepening friendship among peers.

The conference is held every year. By inviting experts in domestic fields related to the research and development and large-scale production of peptide drugs, including winners of the National Outstanding Youth Fund, returnees, and entrepreneurs in the peptide industry, the conference will focus on the theme of the conference to conduct in-depth discussions and exchanges on the development direction of peptide drug research and development and large-scale production. and future trends.

Chairman of Sirnaomics delivered a report

In this exchange meeting, Sirnaomics Chairman Wen Yongjun published a report entitled “Development of Long-acting Peptide Analgesics”. The report combined the current development status of the domestic peptide industry and conducted an analysis of the long-acting analgesics of peptide drugs. Detailed exploration and interpretation. The detailed report title won rounds of applause from the attendees.

The future of the peptide industry is promising

As one of the rapid development directions of China’s scientific research and pharmaceutical industry, peptides have made great progress in recent years. At present, China’s peptide drug research and production has reached a new height, with R&D strength, production capacity, and quality improving rapidly, and it has also gained high recognition in the international market.

Witnessed by the 9th National Polypeptide Drug Research and Development and Large-Scale Production Frontier Technology Academic Exchange Conference, we have a clearer understanding of the continuous progress of the current peptide industry in drug research, production management, clinical work and other aspects. With the continuous progress of my country’s peptide industry in new drug research and development, discipline development, large-scale production and other fields, my country’s peptide industry will also usher in higher quality and more stable development.

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    shengnuo biotechnology participated in the National Academic Exchange Conference on Cutting-edge Technology for Peptide Drug R&D and Large-Scale ProductionChengdu Shengnuo Biotech


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