Building core competitiveness in the field of peptide medicine

The field of peptide medicine has been one of the key areas of biomedical innovation and research and development at home and abroad in recent years, and has broad development prospects.

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Chengdu shengnuobiotechnology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “shengnuobiotechnology”), which is rooted in Dayi, has been focusing on the field of peptide medicine since its establishment in 2001. It has core technologies for peptide synthesis and modification, and has advanced and efficient peptide drugs.

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With process research and development and large-scale production capabilities, it has been successfully listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange Science and Technology Innovation Board in 2021.

“Peptide drugs have many advantages such as high safety, wide indications, and remarkable efficacy. Peptide products are not only widely used in the pharmaceutical industry, but also in the cosmetics industry.” shengnuobiotechnology is engaged in peptide CDMO, peptide APIs, and peptide products.

The core competitiveness has been built in preparation R&D and production. Xiong Chong, the project manager of the shengnuobiotechnology Project Department, gave a very simple example to illustrate the important value of the peptide API, “The peptide API currently being produced by the company is semaglutide. The market value of one kilogram is close to 10 million yuan!”

At present, shengnuobiotechnology has established a full-process R&D pipeline and a full-industry chain platform including GMP-grade API and preparation production lines. It has not only launched 21 products for domestic market through independent innovation, but also provided services to domestic peptide pharmaceutical companies and R&D companies.

The organization provides CDMO services such as small trials, pilot trials, process research and development, and customized peptide production of peptide drugs. It has provided 40 services to many new drug R&D companies and scientific research institutions such as Frontier Biotech, Suzhou Paige, Biotech, and Jiangsu Pule.

It provides pharmaceutical research services for more than 10 projects, of which 1 variety has been approved for marketing and 10 innovative peptide drugs have entered the clinical trial stage. Its innovative research and development strength is evident.

“shengnuobiotechnology has attached great importance to technological innovation since its inception. Wen Yongjun, the company’s chief scientist and chairman, is one of the earliest experts in the field of peptide drugs in China.” According to Xiong Chong, shengnuobiotechnology invests a large amount of money every year to support the team.

Technological innovation, R&D personnel account for more than 20% of the company’s total headcount. “At the same time, we have also jointly established the shengnuobiotechnology-Sichuan University Peptide Drug Joint Laboratory’ with Sichuan University, and the company has been rated as the ‘Sichuan Province Peptide Drug Joint Laboratory’ Engineering Technology Research Center’, and has successively established cooperative relationships with Lanzhou University, Jilin University, Harbin Medical University, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Chinese Academy of Sciences and other higher education institutions and national scientific research institutions, and actively explores cooperation with expert teams to transform results.”

At present, shengnuobiotechnology is also actively expanding the peptide track, actively deploying the peptide cosmetics industry, and looking for new growth points through technological innovation.

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    Building core competitiveness in the field of peptide medicine


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